This is because during the lengthy ripening process the pungent garlic compounds are naturally converted into health-giving phenolic compounds, among which are bioactive organic sulphur compounds such as S-allylcystein and S-allylmercaptocystein (Corso-Martinez, 2007), which effects on inflammation, cardiovascular disorder or cancer (Kim, 2012). In addition, black garlic contains tetra-hydro-beta-carboline derivates, which exert anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activity, a property also found in other fermented products such as wine and beer (Sato, 2006-2).
It is also high in Potassium, which contributes to a normal arterial pressure maintenance. It is high in Phosphorus, which helps with the support of the bones and it is a Zinc supply too, which helps our immune system.
It is advisable eating a varied, moderate and balanced diet, as well as keeping an active and healthy lifstyle.